Are You Ready to Keep a Lorikeet

By Kellie Stewart

Lorikeets are a lot harder to look after than say a parrot because of their diet and the ‘squirt’ problem. The lory-link would like to be able to make more info and advice available out there for you lorikeet lovers.

Lorikeets are the clowns of the bird world. People tend to fall in love with them as soon as they set eyes on them. They buy the bird with out even looking into the requirements of these lovely creatures. Ending up with a bird they don’t want because it’s to messy to keep or it makes to much noise.

Lorikeets are social birds they love attention. It would be fair to say a lorikeet would not like to be left all day everyday by its self, they crave interaction if not with humans with each other. A lorikeet that does not get regular attention will revert back more to the wild side and it wont stay the lovely little baby you purchased to begin with.

Lorikeets can be noisy it would pay to keep this in mind if your neighbours are the complaining kind.

After this you might think twice about having a lorikeet but as with most things the good rules out the bad. Lorikeets are a pleasure to keep they make great pets and become part of your family. With the right advice you and your pet lorikeet will have a great life together.

Last modified: 18 December 2001.