David Dix
KCCS system administrator and chief bottle washer.
Email: dgd@kcbbs.gen.nz
Phone: +64 9 817 8424
Cellphone: 021 663078
Fax: 817 5467
The most up to date human looking pic I have.
Taken in 1989 at Christchurch where I have just removed several flecks of
peeling paint from the NASA Knupier Aiborne Observatory - A USAF Starlifter
modified airplane. This was late 1989 and the visit was part of an NZ
Astronomy conference held at Canterbury University, Christchurch.
Interest and hobbies:
Astronomy, Wine making, Pinball, Electronics, Home theatre (Laser disc and DVD)
Photography, Home Power, the British Rail Steam era, Lories and Lorikeets
(small parrot birds) and Unix Computers.
Non-Interests: Anything to do with DOS, IBM, OS/2, Microsoft, PC and Mac
Computers, Dogs, Smoking, and rap music.
Six cats: Squeekie(14), Suzie(10), Judy(4), Rex (3), Claws-2 (2) and Boris (1)
Lorikeets: Freddie, Olive, Sweetie, Titch
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