Welcome to KC Computer Services
KCCS is an Internet Service provider in Auckland, New Zealand.
This is a text menu web site. No frames anywhere. Everything about KCCS is
available within the menu items shown below. A few pages and sections are
not yet complete, but please look back as new pages are appearing daily.
If you get time please sign the guestbook and if you have any ideas or
comments we would like to hear them.
and Technical information, Connections and Internet services.
What's happening
About this web site (and please sign the guestbook)
Links to the New Zealand and International Press sites.
Links to
interesting sites, general articles and amusement.
This ISPs views on New Zealand Internet issues. (R16)
Welcome to KC Computer Services
[ What's Happening?
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"Some fool in a laboratory might blow up the universe unawares."
Ernest Rutherford (First Baron) (1871-1937) Nuclear physicist
These pages designed and maintained by the KC webmaster. If you have any
queries or comments about the KC World Wide Web pages or other services
contact us .
Page owner: <dgd@kcbbs.gen.nz>
Last modified: 25 August 2000