We hear every day how quickly the Internet is growing and changing in
New Zealand and we have our share of doomsayers and loonie tunes all too
quick to issue dire warning of the nets imminent collapse.
We also seem to suffer with more repetitive regularity the self appointed
moral guardians issuing forth dictums on the immorality of the Internet.
Usenet news groups become their target, spot a square inch of bare flesh
and we can quarantee a tirade of hellfire and brimstone.
More recently it seems that its all the fault of New Zealand's Internet
Service Providers. No, not the Xtras or IBMs, they are after all major
companies so they must be OK.
Anyway, these web pages look a little more closely at some of these more current topics, excuse the flowery language, if you get easily offended then click on that Back button now.
The new 'Evil Empire' of the NZ Internet, unbelievable behaviour
ISPs responses
to Telecom's disgraceful business ethics
ISPs band together to fight the Evil Empire
open ISP business, motives no better than Telecom's.
The NZ Internet Society
Never mind
the quality feel the width, NZ ISPs performance
in mouth, ever felt a bit silly?
Other issues
and reports affecting the NZ Internet